As we go to press, Claus Peter Flor spends his third week with the Dallas Symphony this season as their Principal Guest Conductor.
This season’s programmes have been a typically eclectic mix – Bruckner’s 6th Symphony paired with Schoenberg’s tone-poem Verklaerte Nacht, a triad of piano concerti with Rudolf Buchbinder, and a wonderfully effective programme interspersing three early Haydn symphonies (no.6, “Morning”, no.7 “Noon” and no.8 “Night) with brass canzoni by Gabrieli. He has bowled over the orchestra, public and critics alike during the past 3 years, during which time the relationship has blossomed.
“Playing on a quite special level of elegance…Haydn’s early trilogy sounded true and beautiful” “…an exquisite account of Schoenberg’s early and intensely romantic Verklärte Nacht and a Bruckner Sixth Symphony perfectly balanced between nobility and tenderness”. (Dallas Morning News)
Meanwhile, Flor continues to be in great demand elsewhere in North America. Earlier this Spring he undertook a 6-week tour, making welcome return visits to the Minnesota Orchestra, St Louis Symphony and the Montreal Symphony, and to the Houston Symphony at the start of the season.