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Hagen Quartet,
string quartet


They play with concentration and commitment, with passion, panache..their sense of characterisation is remarkable..a group that knows precisely what it is doing…I found I’d been hanging on every note.
Edinburgh Festival, Bartok, Beethoven, Haydn

Their performance was filled with subtlety and wonder…the playing was breathtaking in its precision, dynamism and agility…a thrilling encounter.
Wigmore Hall, Beethoven (The Independent)

The Hagen Quartet finds just the right approach, with well-judged tempi and carefully balanced textures…The Hagen Quartet plays with sensitivity, serving the music with distinction.
Verdi, Puccini/DG (BBC Music Magazine)

The control of colour and phrasing and the superb ensemble are all predictable Hagen qualities, but the way in which they characterise each work wtihout emotional exaggeration or special pleading is also a model of its kind.
Shostakovich/DG (The Guardian)

Rarely has the Andante (of Schubert G major Quartet) emerged so desolate or spectral as here, or the gossamer Scherzo been played with such quicksilver delicacy…(The Beethoven op.95) is eloquently done, with perfectly judged balance of parts and, as throughout this disc, and uncommonly close rapport between the players.
Schubert & Beethoven/DG (Daily Telegraph)

Their presentation of Mozart’s most famous serenade brings it up as fresh as if a picture restorer had removed the accumulated grime of two centuries, so that if I suggest that they play it as if they had never heard it before, I mean it as a compliment.
Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik/DG (Gramophone)

Formidable precision and great rhythmic elan.
Brahms quintets/DG (Gramophone)